work play work

Yesterday was a joyful day, for the most part. I got to reconnect with a good friend, a writer, comedian, philosophizer, who I’m doing some work for on the side of all my other things. Gregg is a kindred spirit with a beautiful, artistic home, and an even nicer backyard, complete with gazebo and hammocks. He hits the bong, we have great conversation, and we (try to) get some shit done. There are so many projects to work on it can be overwhelming, but I always enjoy our time together, and we have a lot of it scheduled in the coming weeks.

Gregg’s place in afternoon sun
murals in his home, which his artist friends did for him

Dylan’s condition improved, and then got a little worse. They expect him to make a full recovery, or they are hopeful that he will, but he’ll be in the hospital for weeks, and every day is bringing some new symptoms that, of course, we wish would fuck right off. Kayla says she got a call from a DJ today who works with Khalid and Bieber and wants to donate money to their cause from ticket sales for their tour next year! It seems too good to be true. But I’m praying it is true, because the two of them are so sweet and I want to watch them have fun and be able to relax after this nightmare of a situation. Beautiful Kayla went back to work today — I don’t know if I would’ve been able to do that, but she is a strong soul. Thinking of her and Dylan constantly throughout the days and trying to send my strength to them.

Last night, I met Shad at Wild Provisions, the new beer project of Four Noses. It’s new but I’ve already been there three times because it’s that freaking good. I drank Old Bones (my favorite) and Pineapple Velvet, and Shad drank his favorite, Pump Action (imperial pumpkin ale), and another one he didn’t like so much. We talked about memories, about the future, about each other, about the world. It was solemn. But then we ran into Holly at King Soopers, who is radiant and glowing in the third trimester of her pregnancy, and she told us her baby girl will be Abigail (NOT Abby), and her smile was wide with joy as she said it, and she put that joy in us. We galloped through the grocery store collecting our items to make sauce for the lasagnas, igniting a lovely array of scents in the house as we did so, and listened to some fun tunes. Before bed, we watched the first episode of Game of Thrones, which he had never seen, and it was a trip to go back to that show but I was reminded how much I love those books… man what a series.

lasagna sauce mmmm

Today began bright and early with the baking of the lasagnas and pumpkin chai spice lattes! Fall, baby! Yes. Then off to deliver the lasagna to Shad’s papa, to thank him for this amazing desktop computer I’m currently using. He was delighted, and we all chatted while practicing our lacrosse skills. Off to Gregg’s again, and today I got to mix and cut and edit music in GarageBand! Gregg is doing a parody of the YMCA song and it was challenging and rewarding to play around in that app for hours, the time flying, and then to record his version over it. Long way to go. We ate some delicious spaghetti with the extra lasagna sauce I brought, had a glass of wine, and I laid in the hammock and relished this amazing relaxed-ness that poured over me as the sun shone above and attempted to commit the moment to my long-term memory. Absolutely delightful.

gazebo hammock time

Went to visit Avery afterward to sit with Shad’s mom and stepdad and we had a brief but lovely visit before I had to take off to meet Harvey, the Newfoundland puppy, for a pet-sit evening. Harvey doesn’t quite understand the limits of his body, but watching him bound around the off-leash park in his awkward puppy way was uplifting and hilarious.

Harvey the newfoundland puppy 🙂

Filling my schedule has made me feel more alive than ever. Wonder how long it’ll take for me to burn out 🙂 xo

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